Guide through programing skills

Welcome to my world! I am Matthew a high school graduate who is into computer science. Throught this journey we will see some of the programming skills to get through an interview or to become a tech geek. Some of the tasks that we are going to go through may sound so complicated. But they are quite simple. Want to know more? Jump in!

These are some of the prgramming languages that we will be looking through. In python we will also learn about making robots. Again quite simple.

Some of my favourite languages are listed above. My most favourite is python. Lets start with that.

Python. A programming language compatible to use for AI and robot making. Click here to know more.

Compared to python, javascript is not a programming language. It is a scripting language. A webpage is made of three layers: Content, Presentation, Behaviour. The last one is where javascript is used. for example when you have to give a animation or any other eye catching elements, this scripting language is used.

Throught this tutorial we will see how to do some basic programs in javascript. Also we will see how to integrate them in html.

Javascript. Similar to python but yet so different. Click here to know more.

Programming was a playful part of my life, inspired from my parents. Nothing is impossible with programming. Even robots: Artificial Intelligence: So close to a human being is made with programming. Only thing that is important is never give up until you get it.